Vaccination or not?
Simply: yes. Sadly more and more animals are important illegal for trade, which often have deadly diseases like parvovirus.
Your pet is at risk if nog properly vaccinated.
Another risk is leptospirosis. Rats and their faeces can transfer this to your pet and to you, at for example shores. This is something we can vaccinate dogs for preventively.
In cats we also strongly recommend to vaccinate, also when the cat only lives indoors. Several times we have seen break outs of the deadly Cats Disease (Parvo virus) in the Netherlands. Sneezing disease is also widespread in The Netherlands. You can even take these diseases home on your shoes, so your pet is at risk if not vaccinated.
Vaccination at size
We always try to vaccinate at size. This means that we don't give your animal the large cocktail vaccination every year. Some of the parts of the vaccin give several years of protection. So the next year after and the year thereafter we will vaccinate the small cocktail vaccination, according to the action veterinay guidelines. These are listed below.
Vaccinationcheck (Vaccicheck or Rapidtitretest) via titre examination of the blood
It is also possible to vaccinate at size via bloodtitre examination. In this way we will draw blood and investigate whether your pet has enough antibodies for the diseases and doesn't have to be vaccinated. This can be very valuable for animals, that have a bad response towards vaccination or have a disease in which the animal is having a low resistance.
For dogs we can titre parvo, distempre and adenovirus. Kennelcough and leptospirosis can't be titred, so these need to be vaccinated every year.
In cats we can titre Herpes Virus, Calicivirus and Parvovirus.
After blood drawel the results will be passed on by telephone and we can schedule an appointment for vaccination according to the results, on a new appointment.
Normal vaccinationscheme dog:
Age dog |
Vaccinations |
6 weeks | Parvo and Distemper |
9 weeks | Parvo, Leptospirosis and Kennelcough |
12 weeks | Parvo, Hepatitis, Distemper and Leptospirosis |
1 year | Parvo, Hepatitis, Distemper, Leptospirosis and Kennelcough |
2 year | Leptospirosis and Kennelcough |
3 year | Leptospirosis and Kennelcough |
4 year | Parvo, Hepatitis, Distemper, Leptospirosis and Kennelcough |
and so on (repeating step 1-4 year) |
Kennelcough or better named" infectious dogcough" is a complex of causative agents, consisting of bacteria and virusses. Your dog will get it from playing with other dogs at the playground, direct contact or in the last place at the pension. Against a part of the causative agents we can vaccinate. This vaccination is given without needle in the nose. After vaccination your dog can still get infected with kennelcough, but the symptoms will not be as heavy as without vaccination (comparable with human antiflu vaccines).
Are you travelling abroad with your pet? Rabies vaccination is than (among other requirements) necessary, at least 21 days for departure for the European Union. Also a chip and European pasport are necessary. Are tou traveling towards a country external of European Union, more demands are even necessary. Please inform yourselve on the traveling part of the website of or at the ambassy of this country. We expect the demand for UK to change also in the future. Please check for further information about UK
Don't forget to protect your pet in several countries for heartworm, tickborne diseases and Leishmaniasis. Please inform at the assistent if necessary.
Normal vaccinationscheme cat:
Age cat |
Vaccinations |
9 weeks | Cats disease and sneezing disease |
12 weeks | Cats disease and sneezing disease |
1 year | Cats disease and sneezing disease |
2 year | Sneezing disease |
3 year | Sneezing disease |
4 year | Cats disease and sneezing disease |
and so on (repeating step 1-4 year) |
Are you travelling abroad with your pet? Rabies vaccination is than (among other requirements) necessary, at least 21 days for departure for the European Union. Also a chip and European pasport are necessary. Are tou traveling towards a country external of European Union, more demands are even necessary. Please inform yourselve on the traveling part of the website of or at the ambassy of this country. We expect the demand for UK to change also in the future. Please check for further information about UK
Don't forget to protect your pet in several countries for heartworm, tickborne diseases and Leishmaniasis. Please inform at the assistent if necessary.
Some pensions for cats demand an extra vaccination for Bordetalla. Please inform at the chosen pension. This is a drop in the nose (without needle).
Make an appointment?
Make an appointment with Dierenkliniek Stevenshof - Valkenburgse Meer? You can!
T. 071-5315512
E. (Only with non emergency questions)