Intra Ocular Pressure Measurement
In the clinic we can perform Intra Ocular Pressure Measurement (IOP) with a so called tonometer. This to quickly diagnose glaucoma (dangoureus and painfull increase of the intra oculair pressure)
Even during consultation with our veterinarians, it is possible to do this non invasive and non painfull test, no admittance is needed.
Different breeds of dogs and cats are predisposed for elevated IOP and glaucoma. In this breeds we recommend to do a basic eye pressure measurement at young age, to know the normal value of that animal, and repeat this with annual vaccination
Some predisposed breeds are: Afghanic Windhounds, Akita, Cockers, Bassets, Beagles, Border Collies, Cavaliers, Terriers, Corgi's, Bouviers, Chihuahuas, Chow Chows, Teckels, Dalmatiers, Labradors, Danish Dogs, Poodles, Samojeeds, Shih Tzu's, Husky's and Whippets. In cats predisposed breeds are Persish cats and Siamese.
Make an appointment?
Make an appointment with Dierenkliniek Stevenshof - Valkenburgse Meer? You can!
T. 071-5315512
E. (Only with non emergency questions)