Blood pressure measurement
In the clinic we perform blood pressure measurements on a daily basis, with the so called golden standard Doppler device. This is quite a complicated measurement, but a part of our assistents have specialised in this measurement. The measurement is non invasive and not painfull.
We always measure the pressure at least for 5 times. Sometimes we even admit your pet for a day for the blood measurement.
At most kidneypatient, cardiac patients, hartpatients and thyrioid gland patients in cats are needed to have their blood pressure measured regularly. We also advise to measure blood pressure along with the annual vaccination visit in cats above 7 years of age. Sometimes medication is necessary. We even have a bloodpressure consultation hour in the clinic with our assistents.
Elevated blood pressure can lead to organ damage, as in humans. It can even cause blindness!
Make an appointment?
Make an appointment with Dierenkliniek Stevenshof - Valkenburgse Meer? You can!
T. 071-5315512
E. (Only with non emergency questions)