• darkblurbg
    Dierenkliniek Stevenshof - Valkenburgse Meer
    Voorschoterweg 49 Valkenburg ZH (naast Kwantum en Bristol) Dependance Dierenkliniek Zijdeweg - Zijdeweg 56 Wassenaar (op terrein Nationale Dierenzorg)
  • darkblurbg
    Dierenkliniek Stevenshof - Valkenburgse Meer
    Voorschoterweg 49 Valkenburg ZH (naast Kwantum en Bristol) Dependance Dierenkliniek Zijdeweg - Zijdeweg 56 Wassenaar (op terrein Nationale Dierenzorg)
  • darkblurbg
    Dierenkliniek Stevenshof - Valkenburgse Meer
    Voorschoterweg 49 Valkenburg ZH (naast Kwantum en Bristol) Dependance Dierenkliniek Zijdeweg - Zijdeweg 56 Wassenaar (op terrein Nationale Dierenzorg)
  • darkblurbg
    Dierenkliniek Stevenshof - Valkenburgse Meer
    Voorschoterweg 49 Valkenburg ZH (naast Kwantum en Bristol) Dependance Dierenkliniek Zijdeweg - Zijdeweg 56 Wassenaar (op terrein Nationale Dierenzorg)

Blood examination

In the clinic lots of blood examination can be performed, due to several large blood analysers and several "snaptests". Most of the time, we will know the results on the same day. The veterinarian will discuss the results with you and will provide you with a therapy plan. Some special bloodtest will be done in an external laboratory.

Before surgery we have the possibility to do a "pre-anesthetic bloodexamination". This is recommended with elder animals and sick animals that are being anesthesised for treatment. After determining these values, more focussed anesthesia and fluid therapy can be given to your pet.

We also recommend geriatric bloodexamination and blood pressure measurement (above 7 years of age in cats), for example for early detection of kidney problems among others. Is your pet drinking a lot, vomiting or losing weight, it is wise to come in for consultation and blood examination.

What kind of possible test can we perform at the clinic?

In the clinci we own four large blood analysers. With these devices we can among others measure values of kidneys, liver, sugar, bile acids, red and white bloodcells, CCRP, Lipase and thyroid functions. We have the results on the same day of blood drawel.

We also have several quick tests in the clinic, for example parvo, giardia, FIV/FelV, ProBNP and vaccicheck bloodtests.


Some of the bloodexamination will be done by a specialised external laboratory in Germany of Utrecht. The blood of the animal will be transported overnight by a carrier towards the lab. Mostly we have the results the next day in the afternoon. After the results are known, you will be called by one of our vets to discuss the results with you.


Make an appointment?

Make an appointment with Dierenkliniek Stevenshof - Valkenburgse Meer? You can!

Book your appointment online

T. 071-5315512
E. info@dkleiden.nl (Only with non emergency questions)

Contact us